
Bingo Booth Raises $17,000 for Charities

The Ventura Downtown Lions Club bingo booth, held during the Ventura County Fair, raised more than $17,000 for local charities.

Proceeds will benefit many programs, including Adopt-A-Highway, Salvation Army Bell Ringers, Cottage Home Foundation for Foster Children, Dennison Park Foundation, Buena High Leo Club, Drug Awareness and Quest programs, Ventura’s Boy Scouts of America and Tres Condados Girl Scouts of America and American Cancer Society Bicycle Classic.

Awards and Honors is compiled by Rodney Bosch. Please address items to Awards and Honors, Los Angeles Times, 93 S. Chestnut St., Ventura 93001. Items can also be faxed to The Times at 653-7576 or 653-7548.
