
Boy Denies Making Death Threats on Web

A 13-year-old boy charged with making death threats against a female classmate via a Web site denied the accusation Thursday in Pomona Juvenile Court.

Authorities contend that the Web site he set up featured an icon of a large gun that shot at a picture of the 13-year-old girl. It included a caption: “Hurry! Click on the trigger to kill her.” Those accessing the site were also invited to sign a petition allegedly calling for the girl’s death.

If convicted, the San Dimas boy, whose name is being withheld because of his age, could be held in the California Youth Authority until he is 25, prosecutors said. The Lone Hill Middle School boy, also accused of verbally harassing the girl, remains in Pomona Juvenile Hall, where he has been held since his arrest Monday.


Pomona Juvenile Court Judge Robert Martinez is expected to rule next week on whether to keep the defendant in custody or release him to his parents. The district attorney’s office said it considers the youngster dangerous and wants him to remain in custody.
