
Flag Amendment Passed by House

Flag protection is an American tradition supported by the American people. Until 1989, desecration of Old Glory was neither protected by law nor tolerated by the people. The Supreme Court invalidated laws against flag desecration in 48 states and the District of Columbia in a 5-to-4 ruling in 1989. Yet opponents of a flag-protection constitutional amendment--”The Congress shall have power to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States”--suggest flag protection is a new idea.

Benjamin Zycher’s July 2 commentary is one droplet of misinformation amid a torrent of elitist distortion. Fortunately, most Americans aren’t buying his view. The amendment passed the House and is headed to a very close vote in the Senate. My 2.8-million-member American Legion and our 27 million partners in 139 other Citizens Flag Alliance groups stand with those who would restore our nation’s flag-protection tradition, even if a constitutional amendment is the only avenue that remains for us.


National Commander

American Legion, Indianapolis


Bravo to Herbert Selwyn (“Protect America, Not a Symbol,” Voices, July 3). I am a World War II disabled veteran and agree 100% with his sentiments. I would like a poll taken of those so-called patriotic congressmen who voted for the constitutional amendment outlawing the burning of the flag. Post their names and note how many have served in the military services to protect this great, freedom-loving country. They are stupid to waste their time and our money on this irrelevant issue, rather than work on matters to improve this country.


There have been so few incidents of flag burning in the last 10 or more years; those who are in favor of this amendment should join forces with the brainless flag burners.


Culver City
