
Cities and Sales Tax

Re “The Mall Sales Tax Trap,” editorial, July 19: Older bedroom cities such as Lakewood, with less than half the commercial-zoned property of neighboring cities, suffer a distinct disadvantage in the competition for sales tax dollars. Add to that the inequitable, lower-than-average distribution of property tax dollars back to Lakewood, and this city faces enormous challenges to preserving its residential neighborhoods.

The search for ever-higher sales tax revenue producers brings in big chain retailers and drives out small businesses. The city coffers gain badly needed dollars but the community loses the mom-and-pop retailers that support local sports teams and community organizations. Sales tax competition also pits neighboring cities against one another when regional issues such as water require we work together. Let’s keep the pressure on the governor, commissions and our elected representatives to undo the state’s property tax grab and stop the homogenization of its cities.

JOY JANES, Planning and Environment Commission, Lakewood
