
UC’s Freshman Class

The University of California has released the ethnic breakdown of students who plan to enroll at its eight undergraduate campuses in the fall. The number of African Americans stabilized and the number of Latinos rose slightly systemwide this year, the second year the university has not used affirmative action in picking its freshman class. The numbers of whites

and Asian Americans rose faster, but some of those increases are partly attributed to the drop in students who”decline to state” their race. Researchers have determined that the vast majority of those who do not report racial information are white or Asian American.



% Change Students 1997 1998 1999 98-99 American Indian 212 200 148 -26.0 African American 983 751 755 0.5 Latino 3380 3190 3391 6.3 Asian American 9332 9516 10522 10.6 White/Other 10651 9587 11042 15.2 Decline to State 1244 3764 2023 -46.3 Total 25802 27008 27881 3.2





% Change Students 1997 1998 1999 98-99 American Indian 25 14 22 57.1 African American 258 95 111 16.8 Latino 487 264 321 21.5 Asian American 1470 1530 1597 4.4 White/Other 1094 1126 1167 3.6 Decline to State 193 535 308 -42.4 Total 3527 3564 3526 - 1.1




% Change Students 1997 1998 1999 98-99 American Indian 37 39 28 -28.2 African American 104 104 92 -11.5 Latino 395 393 378 - 3.8 Asian American 1243 1327 1490 12.3 White/Other 1648 1366 1693 23.9 Decline to State 150 517 280 -45.8 Total 3577 3746 3961 5.7




% Change Students 1997 1998 1999 98-99 American Indian 9 22 13 -40.9 African American 55 71 81 14.1 Latino 299 364 433 18.9 Asian American 1730 1720 2165 25.9 White/Other 732 702 891 26.9 Decline to State 102 354 242 -31.6 Total 2927 3233 3825 18.3





% Change Students 1997 1998 1999 98-99 American Indian 40 15 13 -13.3 African American 211 128 138 7.8 Latino 600 451 478 5.9 Asian American 1529 1691 1554 - 8.1 White/Other 1325 1345 1309 - 2.7 Decline to State 203 554 281 -49.3 Total 3908 4184 3773 - 9.8




% Change Students 1997 1998 1999 98-99 American Indian 7 16 13 -18.8 African American 97 125 149 19.2 Latino 367 506 610 20.6 Asian American 1067 1012 1309 29.3 White/Other 510 478 670 40.2 Decline to State 57 261 128 -50.9 Total 2105 2398 2879 20.1




% Change Students 1997 1998 1999 98-99 American Indian 32 22 12 -45.5 African American 76 61 33 -45.9 Latino 384 300 315 5.0 Asian American 1297 1310 1388 5.9 White/Other 1540 1397 1469 5.2 Decline to State 212 536 252 -52.9 Total 3541 3626 3469 - 4.3





% Change Students 1997 1998 1999 98-99 American Indian 41 45 27 -40.0 African American 132 108 94 -12.9 Latino 577 570 544 - 4.6 Asian American 676 548 609 11.1 White/Other 2446 2004 2390 19.3 Decline to State 185 547 320 -41.5 Total 4057 3822 3984 4.2




% Change Students 1997 1998 1999 98-99 American Indian 21 27 20 -25.9 African American 52 63 59 -6.3 Latino 279 351 320 -8.8 Asian American 356 410 435 6.1 White/Other 1378 1188 1472 23.9 Decline to State 143 473 222 -53.1 Total 2229 2512 2528 0.6


Source: University of California, Office of the President

Researched by NONA YATES/Los Angeles Times
