
Creating a Stir, for Pennies

Polenta makes a fast Italian meal when one is feeling pangs and the cupboard is almost bare.

Put 1 cup of coarse cornmeal and 4 cups of water in a 3-quart microwaveable dish.

Microwave 2 minutes, uncovered. Take out of microwave and stir. Put back in micro for 2 minutes, uncovered. Stir. Micro another 2 minutes, uncovered. Stir. Micro last 2 minutes covered. Stir.

Ladle polenta 1/2 inch thick onto plates. Add olive oil and grated cheese to taste or a jar of spaghetti sauce if you have one. Serves two.


Advantages: no lumps in the polenta; cost per serving 38 cents.


Huntington Beach
