
Qualifications for Setting Realty Prices

Kenneth R. Harney’s article, “Appraisers Add Depth to Internet Property Reports,” (Oct. 31) advocates and justifies the No. 1 unethical and illegal practice by real property appraisers--providing a tool for the huckstering of real estate.

Real estate agents should market real estate and, in fact, are the most qualified to do so.

The article states, “Appraisers see an entirely different focus for their rich lode of home valuation data: sellers who want independent, professional guidance apart from realty agents on how to price their houses to sell for the maximum amount within a specific time period.”


Malarkey. Any competent real estate agent is more capable than an appraiser to provide a potential seller of real estate with a market-viable selling price.

Real property appraisers, are best qualified to provide a most probable selling price as estimated from market sales.


Forensic real property appraiser

