
Sandler’s Sameness

The Nov. 27 Counterpunch (“Isn’t the Criticism of ‘Little Nicky’ Just Way Too Picky?” by Jeffrey L. Condon) made the point that Adam Sandler films have their audience, and the nature of Sandler comedy is just raucous good fun, the critics be damned. I agree absolutely.

However, what “Little Nicky” suffers from is the same thing any other genre film suffers from: We’ve seen it all before. Even teenage boys have enough smarts and powers of observation to notice this.

The entire body of Sandler’s work has basically revolved around the same character-types, plot points and overall shtick. If you were engaged by “Happy Gilmore,” then you already recognized the entire plot of “Billy Madison, “The Waterboy,” etc.


What Sandler needs to do is what all artists must do, eventually: Expand his repertoire, get a new gig and otherwise show their audience something truly new.


