
Diesel Fuel Fouls a Portion of Wetlands at Bolsa Chica


More than 30 gallons of diesel fuel spilled into the Bolsa Chica wetlands Monday afternoon, according to a Huntington Beach city official. No harm to wildlife was reported.

The fuel came from the leaking tank of a pickup truck parked near Twilight and Evening Breeze Circle, said Rich Barnard, city spokesman. In two hours, the fuel flowed into a storm drain that empties into a small pond on the southeastern side of Bolsa Chica. An unknown amount overflowed from the pond into a 60-foot by 90-foot wetland area studded with tall reeds.

Officials declined to name the owner of the pickup, who will be billed for cleanup costs.

No impact on wildlife was evident. Bolsa Chica is the largest wetlands in southern California and a key stopover for migratory birds on the Pacific Flyway.


On Monday, workers placed a plastic bladder in the storm drain to stop residual fuel from entering the wetland, flushed the drain with water, and vacuumed out contaminated liquid and sediment.

In the pond, workers used plastic booms to contain the fuel, then skimmed it off the water. Barnard said the fuel in the wetlands would be allowed to evaporate. The cleanup was expected to be finished Monday.
