
Doctors by Computer

* “PC Pediatricians” (Dec. 7), about the inner-city telemedicine center, omitted the fine work performed by my staff at the county Community Development Commission, which includes the Housing Authority agency. The commission has formed a unique partnership with Drew University. We provided the crucial seed money to get the program off the ground and have jointly secured additional funding and support. This led to the opening of ophthalmology telemedicine centers at two of our public housing sites and now a third telemedicine center specializing in pediatrics. Eventually the three telemedicine spokes will increase to five, which will all converge on the Drew hub.

The commission provides temporary services to those in need, while assisting them in achieving self-sufficiency. There are many success stories like that of Susan Morales, a former resident of one of our housing developments who now lives on her own and has become a valued commission employee.


Community Development Commission, L.A. County
