
San Diego Homeless

“Rise in Homeless Families Strains San Diego Aid” (Jan. 24) includes the classic liberal reaction to the homeless. When the article attempts to discover the causes of the increase in homeless families, it states, “Explanations abound: welfare reform, high rents, low vacancy rates, the shift to a low-wage service economy and cutbacks in housing subsidies.”

Five reasons are given, and not one of them puts any of the onus onto those persons heading the families. No mention of irresponsible behavior, of having children when you can’t support them, of drug addiction or of alcohol abuse. All the explanations are beyond the control of the homeless families and, as such, give the impression of helpless victims being swept out of their homes and into the street.

One other thing. When Ronald Reagan was president, he was the reason there were homeless individuals and families on the street. Bill Clinton signed the welfare reform law, and he gets a complete pass in this article.



Costa Mesa
