
Wonderful ‘Wander’

I was extremely excited to read the opening article in “The Wander Year” series (Jan. 30). I couldn’t wait to read the first article from the traveling couple. It is going to be interesting as well as an opportunity to live vicariously through them. What an incredibly wonderful idea to be able to monitor their trip every Sunday.

As for me, I am currently enrolled in UCLA Extension to get my TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language) certificate so I can be marketable worldwide. After a solo four-month backpacking trip from England to Jordan, my life was changed. All I want to do is travel, and I believe I can do it by teaching my way around the world.

Maybe you could include interviews with people who have worked while traveling in order to satiate their wanderlust.



Los Angeles

Regarding Mike McIntyre’s and Andrea Boyle’s journey: Go for it, guys. Take advantage of this time in your life. If you do not get the wanderlust out of your system now, you probably never will. Too many of us say “someday”; you guys are doing it.



In 1982, my husband, 3-year-old daughter and I left Long Beach for a trip around the world. Our directive was to go east and stay as long as visas and money permitted. Three years, 25 countries and a new family member later, we arrived back home.

When we planned our trip, we packed stuff, especially toys that we could leave along the way. Everywhere, we tried to blend in, acquiring new clothes and dressing like the natives.


The hardest decision is the first one, following your dream. After that it is all baby steps.

We have no regrets. Our lives are richer for it. By the way, the entire three years cost us $18,000.


Long Beach
