


CASTAIC LAKE--A mid-week trout plant got the stripers stirring, though no large catches were recorded as of Thursday morning. There were some limits of trout, with green Power Bait a good choice. A seven-pound largemouth bass was caught on a waterdog.

PYRAMID LAKE--Trout have been active, but limits are hard to fill. Archie Kerkoff, Palmdale, caught three trout totaling six pounds using mini-jigs. A six-pound largemouth bass was caught on a plastic worm.


LAKE CASITAS--Trout are providing lots of action and limits are being filled by some. Top trout was one 3 3/4 pounds caught trolling a Needlefish. Shore fishermen are using mostly Power Bait. Top catfish was a 14-pounder caught on mackerel. The bass bite has subsided dramatically.


LAKE PIRU--Trout and bass fishermen are doing OK. Trout anglers are going deep with Needlefish and Rapalas, and bass anglers are soaking night crawlers. An eight-pound bass tops the list.


LAKE CACHUMA--Trout are active at the east end, with Power Bait fished 15-20 feet working best. Lots of limits of mostly pan-sized fish. Other species are slow.


JESS RANCH LAKES--Reopens today.



IRVINE LAKE--Top trout caught by a non-employee was a 15-6 by Steve Erickson, Santa Ana, on Captain America Power Bait. A 16-pounder was caught by a lake employee. Fishing is pretty good.


LAGUNA NIGUEL LAKE--Trout fishing is on the rebound after the holiday onslaught took its toll. Average size is two pounds, but there are much larger fish in the lake. A nine-pounder was caught on a Mepps lure from a boat and a seven-pounder was caught on rainbow chartreuse Power Bait. White spinners are getting the interest of the big fish too.

SANTA ANA RIVER LAKES--A few dozen trout were weighed in at 10 pounds or more, which is attractive, but you’re not guaranteed one by a long shot. A 15-4 trout was caught on a night crawler-marshmallow combo.


LAKE PERRIS--Top bass was caught by Rich Iannolo of Menifee, one 11-2 on a Castaic Trout. Several were weighed in about four pounds. Trout action picked up Thursday after a long-awaited plant.


LAKE SKINNER--A 17-pound striped bass was caught on a homemade plug, but overall the bite is slow to fair. Trout were active early in the week, but by week’s end had been pretty much fished out. It’s slow for other species.

CORONA LAKE--Top trout was a 19-6 by Tony Reynolds of Lancaster on an unnamed bait. Kastmasters and Power Bait produced a few nice catches. Fishing is slow to fair overall.


SAN DIEGO CITY LAKES--The San Vicente bass bite is on the upswing, but that’s not saying a lot. Still, it’s better than anywhere else. Miramar and Murray remain OK for trout, but the biggest--a 7-6 caught on a Trout Teaser--was caught at San Vicente.

LAKE CUYAMACA--The water’s cold and the fish are hunkered down, not feeling much like eating. Duck hunters are doing much better.


LOWER OWENS RIVER (wild-trout section)--Browns averaging 14-18 inches are being caught on midge and caddis flies. The action isn’t great, but a good effort will raise some fish.

PLEASANT VALLEY RESERVOIR--Now that the holiday traffic is down, the fishing should pick up. Fly fishermen are doing well with damsel fly nymphs and olive matukas. Spin fishermen are doing well with small, black spinners.


OWENS GORGE--The deep pools are holding lots of small browns, but the flow is down and you’ll have to maneuver through heavy brush to find them.


The Times accepts and publishes the catch count as a public service. Any responsibility for accuracy is that of the landing operator.

SANTA BARBARA (Sea Landing)--7 anglers (1 boat): 3 sand bass, 1 halibut, 13 sculpin, 1 mackerel, 1 whitefish.

OXNARD (Cisco’s)--13 anglers (1 boat): 5 sculpin, 6 sheephead, 30 whitefish.

MARINA DEL REY--48 anglers (3 boats): 207 sculpin, 8 halibut, 5 sand bass, 7 sole.

REDONDO BEACH--26 anglers (2 boats): 64 sand bass, 23 sculpin, 1 whitefish, 1 sheephead, 2 cabezon, 1 opal-eye perch, 10 perch.

SAN PEDRO (L.A. Harbor Sportfishing)--9 anglers (1 boat): 13 halibut, 6 sand bass, 2 sculpin. (22nd St. Landing)--30 anglers (1 boat): 1,240 sand dabs, 1 sole.

LONG BEACH (Sportfishing/Berth 55)--12 anglers (1 boat): 2 calico bass, 12 sand bass, 21 sheephead, 28 sculpin, 39 whitefish, 1 halibut. (Marina Sportfishing)--18 anglers (1 boat): 3 calico bass, 1 sand bass, 5 sheephead, 64 blue perch. (Pierpoint Landing)--17 anglers (1 boat): 21 sand bass, 28 whitefish, 7 sculpin, 19 sheephead, 3 halibut.


SEAL BEACH (Big Fish)--7 anglers (1 boat): 5 halibut, 22 halibut (released), 14 sand bass, 11 sculpin.

NEWPORT BEACH (Newport Landing)--11 anglers (1 boat): 4 sand bass, 6 sculpin, 3 perch, 6 mackerel.

DANA WHARF--31 anglers (2 boats): 7 calico bass, 52 sand bass, 34 mackerel, 2 sheephead, 1 half-moon perch.

OCEANSIDE--31 anglers (1 boat): 5 halibut, 35 halibut (released), 1 smoothhound shark, 4 sculpin.

SAN DIEGO (Seaforth)--52 anglers (3 boats): 6 yellowtail, 9 barracuda, 10 whitefish, 11 sculpin, 1 halibut. (Islandia)--11 anglers (1 boat): 2 whitefish, 10 barracuda, 1 sand bass, 5 sculpin, 2 mackerel.


LOS ANGELES COUNTY--Big Rock Creek, Castaic Lake, Castaic Lagoon, Elizabeth Lake, Little Rock Reservoir, Piru Creek (Frenchman’s Flat), Pyramid Lake, San Gabriel River (East, North and West forks). ORANGE--Carr Park Lake, Centennial Park Lake, Greer Park Lake, Huntington Park Lake, Mile Square Park Lake, Ralph Clark Park Lake, Tri-City Park Lake. RIVERSIDE--Cahuilla Park Lake, Evans Lake, Lake Perris, Rancho Jurupa Park Lake. SAN BERNARDINO--Glen Helen Park Lake, Mojave Narrows Park Lake, Prado Park Lake, Seccombe Park Lake, Yucaipa Park Lake. SAN DIEGO--Lake Cuyamaca. VENTURA--Lake Casitas, Lake Piru, Rancho Simi Park Lake, Rose Valley Lake. SAN LUIS OBISPO--Atascadero Lake, Lopez Lake, Santa Margarita Lake. SANTA BARBARA--Lake Cachuma.


--Compiled by PETE THOMAS
