
What’s Tasteful and Not

I was saddened and annoyed by the thin-skinned complaints of some Silent Movie Theatre patrons that this week’s Laurence Austin tribute is somehow tasteless (“ ‘Sunrise’ Finally to Be Shown at Silent Movie Theatre,” by Robin Rauzi, Jan. 15).

I sponsor a weekly movie club with friends and we recently gave new theater owner and programmer Charlie Lustman an award for the great job he has done. From the theater’s stage he has generously credited both original owners John Hampton and the (face it) controversial Austin.

By the way, my idea of a tasteless tribute occurred at Largo shortly after Austin’s murder, where his then-unconvicted killer James Van Sickle cried crocodile tears for the press. I still don’t know where my admission fee went; hopefully, not to help subsidize the hit man who killed Austin!



West Hollywood
