
Mass Transit Benefits

* It is pretty pathetic that in this day and age, Ventura County has virtually no mass transit while the rest of the world enjoys buses, subways and trains at a very minimal cost to the consumer.

The discredited concept of mass transit paying for itself would be laughable except that the congestion and filth caused by thousands and thousands of single-occupant vehicles is slowly eroding our collective physical health, and the annoyance of not being able to get from one side of town to the other for 50 cents is keeping many of us from patronizing local businesses. This costs the businesses their profits and the county its sales tax revenue.

Why does the rest of the world know that by placing a small tax on business to pay for mass transit subsidies, business makes more than enough money to cover the tax, the people are calmer, there is less traffic and smog and the government gets increased sales tax revenue.


Maybe someone from here should go there and learn something.


