
Huber’s Marionette Variety Show Set for Two-Day Run

Master puppeteer and puppet designer Phillip Huber, who performed all the marionettes in the critically acclaimed, Academy Award-nominated film “Being John Malkovich,” will present a special two-day run of his solo variety show, “Suspended Animation,” at the Santa Monica Puppet & Magic Center on March 25 at 1 and 8 p.m. and March 26 at 1 p.m.

Huber’s marionettes, a key element in the film about an unemployed puppeteer played by John Cusack, were featured in a poignant “Dance of Despair,” a love scene, and a reenactment of the tragic story of “Heloise and Abelard.”

Huber’s solo stage performance, a series of vignettes, will spotlight puppet violinists and pianists, tightrope-walkers, opera and pop singers and celebrity portraits. Each performance will be followed by a “Behind the Strings” look at how it’s all done.


Tickets are $15.

The Santa Monica Puppet & Magic Center is located at 1255 2nd St., adjacent to the Third Street Promenade.

Information: (310) 656-0483.
