
Rampart Report

Re “Feuds Over Rampart Report to Test Divided Police Panel,” March 3: That Mayor Richard Riordan locked City Council members out of the press conference at which the police report was received is proof that we haven’t a mayor but a monarch. He controls the Police Commission. He’ll control any Los Angeles investigation of the Los Angeles Police Department.

An outside investigation is vital and must begin very soon, before the true LAPD officers who do protect and serve start resigning en masse rather than be part of a scandal-ridden organization.


Los Angeles

* In the 20-plus years I’ve lived in Los Angeles, the most appalling constant has been the abuse and murder of “civilians”--mostly minorities (blacks, gays, Latinos and others) and women--by the LAPD. The repeated whitewashing of it by those in power forces complicity on the rest of us.


For me, almost the only issue in the next mayoral race will be how to clean out the LAPD.


Los Angeles
