

* Bank of America has named Senior Vice President Amjad Osmani as the small business market executive for Ventura and Santa Barbara counties, west Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley cities. He will oversee teams that provide products and services to businesses with annual revenues of $1 million to $10 million.

He replaces Karen Racusin, who has taken another position in the bank’s small business department.

* Scott M. Decker has joined Pyne, Waltrip, Lippert & Olson LLP, Certified Public Accountants, as a partner.


Formerly a vice president with Stonefield Josephson Accountancy Corp. in Santa Monica, Decker specializes in litigation and business valuation.

The firm offers various litigation services, including fraud examinations, business and estate valuations, tracings, marital dissolutions and wrongful terminations.

* Mark Ortgies of Camarillo has been promoted to area marketing director for HealthSouth Corp.


His new responsibilities include training and supervision of marketing coordinators for 16 outpatient medical, surgery and rehabilitation centers in Ventura, Santa Barbara and northern Los Angeles counties.

* Jeff Paul has been named director of the Economic Development Collaborative-Ventura County and chairman of its Defense Conversion Revolving Loan Fund.

Paul is senior vice president at City National Bank and manager of its Oxnard branch.

The fund makes loans to local companies that are transitioning from the defense industry to commercial markets.


* Arlene Fraser has been installed for a second term as president of the Ventura County Women’s Council. Other officers include Alma Green, first vice president; Isabelle Doyle, second vice president for programs, and Isabel McCarthy, third vice president in charge of ways and means.

Also installed were Wilma Karayan, recording secretary; Barbara Wiggins, corresponding secretary; Eileen Jennings, treasurer; LaVonne Fosse, chaplain, and Beverly Stark, judge advocate.
