
Bush a ‘Cipher’; Gore Should Quit

The notion of electing the “best and the brightest” has long passed from the American electorate’s consciousness, as that eminent pop psychologist and voice of common sense and reason, Molly Ivins, suggests (Commentary, Oct. 25). But that such a large portion of the public could settle on, and be comfortable with, the level of mediocrity that George W. Bush offers is frightening and appalling. Imagine this cipher representing the U.S. on the world stage. Yikes! Best to keep this guy in Texas doing what he loves--running a baseball team.


Santa Barbara


Ivins has her facts wrong. She criticizes Bush’s brain, but Gore is the one who flunked out of Vanderbilt Divinity School. Privatized Social Security is not a disaster; it has worked great for U.S. government employees (including Gore), earning them huge retirement nest eggs. They aren’t limited to a 1.5% return like the rest of us.


Costa Mesa


Gore and the Democratic Party, with 200 years of political experience behind them and a budget exceeding the GNP of many Third World countries, are facing the very real possibility of losing what should have been a slam-dunk to Bush, probably the dumbest man who ever ran for president. And Robert Scheer and friends want me to believe it’s all Ralph Nader’s fault (Commentary, Oct. 26)!


Well, I have a suggestion for Scheer--why don’t you get your guy to quit, because Nader could beat this fool. Don’t waste your vote. Vote for Ralph Nader.


Long Beach


In response to a mailing I received from Nader, I wrote the following back: You’ve lost sight of your consumer and environmental agenda. Now it seems to be all about Nader’s ego, not the good of the country. A vote for Nader is a vote for Bush. I cannot support that. Republicans are anti-consumer and anti-environment. They will destroy what you have worked so hard to achieve. Ralph, can we afford that? I don’t think so!


