
XLNC in Broadcasting

It bothers me that the FCC would grant XLNC1 the 90.7 spot emanating from Tijuana, knowing it would interrupt a large body of listeners’ ability to hear KPFK-FM (Around the Dial, by Susan Carpenter, Aug. 25). KPFK’s offerings are progressive, whether it be musical, political or spiritual. It was the only station I could find that covered the shadow conventions.

I’ve nothing against XLNC1. I’d like them both to thrive on my dial, but far enough apart in megahertz that we all have the freedom to listen to what we choose, and thereby be heard.


Laguna Niguel


The article minimizes the effect of the interference and makes it sound as though this is just a small San Diego-area problem. This other station renders 90.7 FM virtually unlistenable in Long Beach, many parts of Orange County, on Pacific Coast Highway from Long Beach to Malibu, around downtown, and even in the San Gabriel Valley. It is really a problem.



Santa Monica


The canned music from XLNC1 is a very convenient alternative to truly democratic programming. One wonders about the FCC’s motives.


La Jolla
