
Measure O Arguments

Opponents of Measure O are spending considerable energy hurling the mud of accusations and allegations, hoping something will stick to the courtroom wall. I’ve read the text of Measure O, and I’m not alarmed at all.

The initiative is clearly written. It simply says hospitals--aside from the heavily taxpayer subsidized Ventura County Medical Center--that treat people who can’t pay are entitled to reimbursement from the tobacco settlement fund. This reimbursement would allow the hospitals to provide treatment for the working poor, the elderly and children who cannot afford care.

Measure O just mandates that all of the tobacco settlement money must be used only for health care. Mandates tell politicians what to do, and because politicians don’t like to be told what to do, of course they oppose this proposal.


Enough with the nonsense. Opponents need to read Measure O slowly and carefully and stop spouting what county officials instruct them to spout.


Simi Valley

* Psst . . . Buddy . . . take a look at these genuine Rolex watches that fell off a truck. What, you got one off the profits of the market last year but now you’re not doing so good? Hey . . . have I got a tip for you. It’s called Measure O.

Talk about free money . . . this is it, baby! For an investment of, say, a million and a half and some PR work to con, say, a couple of hundred thousand voters . . . the payoff could be as much as 261 million buckaroos! A return on investment of . . . get this . . . over 17,000%! Microsoft, eat your heart out.


And best of all it is legal and tax-free! Like taking candy from a baby because, in this case, the baby, which is the county, can’t say a word, yell for help or call a cop . . . nada, zilch.

You say you think the money will stop rolling in because kids will stop smoking? No way . . . the fix is in. Only if the money isn’t spent otherwise will it be spent on stopping kids from smoking.

Get with the scam . . . vote yes on O!



* District Attorney Michael Bradbury is sworn to bring justice to Ventura County citizens. Now we find him a member of the governing board at Community Memorial Hospital that is attempting to steal $260 million of tobacco settlement money from those same citizens. Can anyone imagine a more violent conflict of interest?


Since Bradbury has taken no steps to relieve himself of this conflict of interest, it is up to us voters to arrange it for him. Whoever his opponent may be in Bradbury’s next reelection bid (perhaps barring only Beelzebub himself), I hereby commit myself and my family to all-out support for that person.


Port Hueneme
