
The Pen Is Mightier Than Remote Control

Michael Ramirez (editorial cartoon, Aug. 2) seems to be making the unfounded generalization that everything produced on MTV during the last 20 years has been trash. One might even infer that this little ditty is supposed to imply that MTV shouldn’t enjoy 1st Amendment rights . . . but I’ll give Ramirez the benefit of the doubt this time around.

However, he might want to make a mental note to go check out his television set’s remote control. I’m sure he’ll find that if he doesn’t want to view an undesired channel, then there’s usually a very simple way for him to delete it from the channel rotation so it won’t show up on his TV screen. Unfortunately, subscribers to The Times have no such option, and if we want to read any of the paper’s commentaries we’re still forced to gaze upon Ramirez’s cartoons smack-dab in the middle of the page.

Ron Bates

Simi Valley
