
Plan Adds 720 Miles to County Bikeway System


A plan for a countywide commuter bikeway system approved Monday would add more than 720 miles of paths to the existing network.

The bikeways would build on the 906 miles the county already has, and improve connections between cities and from county to county, according to the plan adopted unanimously by the Orange County Transportation Authority. One of the routes would connect Riverside to the coast, and another would follow the Ortega Highway.

“Everything that’s in there is stuff the cities would like to see,” said Michelle Bitner Smith, OCTA’s senior transportation analyst. “It’s what we hope.”


The plan, which updates a 1995 version, is a guideline for cities and is based on ideas from bicyclists, transportation officials and 19 cities and other jurisdictions. It is a guide to help cities develop connected routes.

The plan also identifies 205 miles of priority bikeways that would cost more than $30 million to build. In the past five years, OCTA and local agencies have invested nearly $11 million in bikeway projects.
