
Hahn Picks David Wiggs to Run DWP

Los Angeles Mayor James K. Hahn on Friday selected David Wiggs to run the city’s Department of Water and Power, a position Wiggs has held on an interim basis since May.

Wiggs, a former utility company executive, was approved unanimously by the Board of Water and Power Commissioners. His selection must be approved by the City Council, which will take up the matter Tuesday.

Wiggs took over the department when former head S. David Freeman left to work as an energy advisor to Gov. Gray Davis. A former utility regulatory attorney, Wiggs was president of the El Paso Electric Co. in the early 1990s. He was chief energy advisor to state Assembly Speaker Bob Hertzberg (D-Sherman Oaks) before going to the DWP.


“I’m very happy Mayor Hahn has asked me to do the job on a permanent basis,” Wiggs said in a statement. “It’s been a challenge since day one and it will be a challenge every day from now on.”
