
Catching Runaway Costs of Personal Health Care

In “Health Care Costs Creep Out of Reach” (Dec. 23) there were some issues that were not addressed. The article seemed to focus on the employer/employee costs rather than the runaway costs of health care itself. As more and more technology is developed there are more and more tests recommended--of course, expensive. Insurance companies dictate hospital stays necessary for coverage; doctors have a double standard for patients with insurance or without.

My partner, a retired freelance graphic designer, has changed to minimum coverage for major medical expenses only. When he hit 62 his premiums almost doubled, to $1,000, quarterly.

His intention is to put something aside every month for the rare doctor visits he makes, sometimes not even once a year. The money will be his, earning interest and available to him rather than in the coffers of the insurance company. In the event of serious illness he is covered after a steep but affordable deductible. We feel better paying for necessary services rather than dumping money into someone else’s already wealthy pockets.


Marty Wilson

Los Angeles
