
Skater Soars to Jumping Distance Record

Sole Technology also is trumpeting the latest accomplishment of one of its team skaters.

Brian Patch made a 58-footjump recently that will land him in the 2002 Guinness Book of World Records, Kahn said. The Westminster resident sailed off a 48-foot-high ramp built in a hanger at the Van Nuys airport and snagged the record for the longest skateboard jump, she said.

The previous official record was 52 feet by a skateboarder named Andy McDonald, Kahn said. But insiders knew that McDonald had also made an unofficial jump of 56 feet, she said, and that’s the one 28-year-old Patch was aiming to beat.

Leslie Earnest covers retail businesses for The Times. She can be reached at (714) 966-7832 and at [email protected].
