
The Resonating Integrity of a True Detective’s Quest for Justice

I wish to join in the accolades for Sheriff’s Department Det. Laura Heilig that were expressed in “The Relentless Reach of Laura Heilig” [Feb. 7] about the Frediani murder case and investigation. I am a criminal defense attorney who had firsthand experience with Laura on a capital murder case in San Diego County. She was the chief investigating officer in that case, which was tried before a jury on two separate occasions. I found her to be the most professional, ethical and effective investigator with whom I have dealt in more than 33 years of practice of criminal law. The citizens of San Diego County should be very proud of this fine lady.


Dana Point


Kudos for the story on Laura Heilig. A well-crafted piece of writing.


Mission Beach


I have been a local law enforcement officer for 25 years. I found myself quite taken by Fred Dickey’s article.

It was a bittersweet triumph for justice and a tragedy for the victim and her family. The article was both poignant and informative. The relentless Det. Heilig and the others involved in prosecuting the case make me feel good about my profession. I thank Mr. Dickey for such a fine piece of journalism.



West Covina
