
Good-Guy Garvey Didn’t Deserve Scorn

Donna Morel, in the first-person story on Jan. 17, missed what Steve Garvey represented. So many times we hear about athletes today getting into trouble, and the sports section becomes a police blotter.

All Garvey was guilty of, when he was wearing Dodger and Padre uniforms, was trying to be a good citizen because he realized that kids looked up to him. He went to work without missing a day for nine years. He didn’t drink, swear or embarrass his team or family. You’re right, Donna! What was he thinking?

I’m adamant that ballplayers should not be role models, but in this day and age, they are, whether parents like it or not. I say to Steve, “Thank you for trying.”



Los Angeles


What is the purpose of printing a full-page character assassination of Steve Garvey in your sports page? The writer had some valid points to make about celebrities and their sycophants, but her message was lost in a sea of self-righteous sarcasm and cynicism. In fact, more and more, the same can be said of your entire sports page.


Santa Monica


After reading Donna Morel’s recollections of her life at Steve Garvey Junior High, I only have one thing to say:

Get over it.


