
Drug Prevention Plans Addicted to Money

California’s opportunity to model a positive way to deal with drug abuse could be hampered by lack of funding (“Flood of Drug Diversion Cases Feared,” June 18). Does it make sense that our federal government is spending billions ($1.3 billion to Colombia under the Clinton administration and a proposed $1 billion to the Andean region by the Bush administration) for eradication of coca at its source? So far, most of this money is being used to provide helicopters, chemicals and training to the military for the aerial spraying of coca fields.

On a recent Witness for Peace delegation to Colombia, we heard shocking stories of the destruction of legitimate crops, pollution of water sources, skin rashes, hair loss, death of farm animals and poisoning of commercial fish ponds by this aerial chemical attack. Colombians said to us: “The drug problem is in your country. As long as there is a demand for cocaine and big money to be made in trafficking it, there will be people who grow coca.”

Merilie Robertson

Canoga Park


I love it! When Prop. 36 came out I knew it would never work. I was completely shocked to see it pass. I guess it shows what money can buy. Problems, problems and more problems. I don’t care what anybody says. No judge, court or drug program can make a drug addict quit. Only the addict himself/herself can, when he or she has had enough insanity. Jail time is the best for some. Prop. 36 was based on money and whose wallet was going to get fat. Who’s going to be accountable now?


Evert Aguilar

Los Angeles
