
Florida Vote Count

Once again The Times demonstrates its objective reporting by burying the story confirming President Bush’s win in Miami-Dade County on Page A10, seven pages behind a much more timely and compelling story about repairs on the state Capitol building (Feb. 27). Keep up the good work.


Los Angeles

* It’s a measure of both the dishonesty of the Republicans and the unavoidable discomfort this causes them that they have rushed to use the Miami Herald results from Miami-Dade County to justify their illegitimate president. They ignore the 682 votes Al Gore picked up in Palm Beach, which would have given him Florida. They also ignore the statewide recount that at this time has Gore up by over a thousand. The statewide count was ordered by the Florida Supreme Court to satisfy Bush’s claims of unfairness in the recount requested by Gore. The fact remains, the only vote count won by Bush took place in the Supreme Court.


Dana Point
