
Students Can Learn From Their Failures

Columnist Sandy Banks (“Students on a Mission for Safer Campuses,” May 8) is right. All of us can learn as much from our failures as from our successes; maybe we can learn more. I hope you students at El Sereno Middle School don’t think you have failed in your quest to gather resources to address and help solve school safety issues.

You haven’t failed because you care about your schools, your community and each other, despite the way adults have reacted to your proposals.

It takes work to listen and it takes an open mind and an open heart to hear. Once we adults open our hearts we become vulnerable, and we often confuse vulnerability with weakness. When we see ourselves as weak, our first instinct is to throw our authority around. It’s an unfortunate advantage we adults have over young people.


You’ll find as you get older the work doesn’t get any easier, but all of the experiences you’re gaining now will make you stronger and wiser in keeping your focus through difficulties and frustrations. Right now you have the power to choose what kind of adult you want to be. Hold that image in your mind and continue to do your best to live up to it. I’m an adult who takes you seriously. I want to hear you because you have reminded me how important it is not to give up on something you believe in. You have reminded me that we all have important roles to play in creating and maintaining safe communities. That’s success!


