
Patriotism by the Tankful

Regarding the war on SUVs: It’s just short of official--SUV owners have lost their right to display their patriotism by flying flags from their vehicles. I may as well drive straight to the junkyard, as trading in my SUV will have no effect; someone else will buy it and put it right back on the road again.

Before I head to the car dealership for an economy car that will reinstate my worthiness as an American citizen, I do have several questions:

What is the minimum mpg a car can get and still be a flag waver?

Who is more patriotic, the driver of an American SUV or the driver of an imported economy car?


If I limit myself to walking and biking, will I be considered even more patriotic than one who drives?

If I don’t drive, how will I shop and support the economy?

Is an SUV actually a more patriotic choice since it holds the most merchandise?

Wait, I just remembered something: This is America--I’ll wave my flag from whatever post I choose.

Kay Rosen

Granada Hills


You people keep printing letters from people objecting to the mileage SUVs get. I keep writing letters wondering why. There are all kinds of vehicles on the road--trucks, buses, trains--that get worse mileage. Does anyone ever consider how much fuel the airline industry consumes? I never read about that.


Why SUVs? Why are we dependent on Arab oil? Norway is the second-largest exporter of oil in the world. Why not Norwegian oil? Why not Venezuelan oil? Why are we sending our Alaskan oil to Japan while complaining about being dependent on foreign oil?

And what difference does it make what kind of mileage you get? There is no shortage and never was. They used to build cars that, when you hit something, you’d survive, but they didn’t get good mileage (whatever that is). So the government mandated better mileage. Now if you hit a wooden fence post, you’re dead. Of course, you get twice the mileage. Never mind that you are paying three times as much for gasoline.

Anyone who thinks the cartel isn’t going to adjust prices to conform to whatever mileage we get is living in La-La Land.


John Waugen



I’ve never seen so many oxymorons: gas-guzzling SUVs flying the American flag.

Natalie Silk

San Gabriel
