
Rally for Cancer Drug Victims

From Associated Press

About 50 people attended a rally Saturday in support of those who believe they received diluted chemotherapy drugs from a local pharmacist.

Patients who may have gotten the drugs have had to cope with the realization that the treatment they were counting on to beat their cancer may have been mostly saltwater.

Robert Courtney, 48, has pleaded not guilty to charges that he misbranded and adulterated the drugs. Federal authorities have said he admitted diluting the drugs to increase his profits.


Barb Wibbenmeyer was among those who received chemotherapy drugs from Courtney’s Research Medical Tower Pharmacy and said her doctor told her the drugs were likely diluted. She said there’s a camaraderie among the people who may have received the drugs.

“It’s as if you’ve known each other for years.”

Richard and Annette Bloch said they organized the rally to bring something positive from the news. They distributed leaflets asking people to turn their frustration into a pledge to quit smoking, lose weight or get a checkup.

Most of those at Saturday’s rally either had cancer or had lost someone to the disease. Sandy Behnke, whose husband, Ed, died of prostate cancer two years ago, said she wanted to support cancer patients who got their drugs from Courtney.
