
Muslim Theology Alienated From Allah

In “What Became of Tolerance in Islam?” (Commentary, Sept. 14) Khaled Abou El Fadl seems to be saying that Islam has been hijacked by terrorists and that they conceive of Allah as a modern Moloch that demands human sacrifice. If this is true, I would expect El Fadl to be the target of a fatwa soon.

If Muslims hold a creed of hate, what are we, as tolerant people, to do? We now have 6 million Muslims in this country. Do we deport them, intern them or attempt to convert them? The solution to the problem posed by Muslims will require wisdom that I doubt President Bush can supply.

Ian Halsema

El Segundo


How do you deal with violent fanatics who have perverted the basic principles of their own religious texts in order to justify genocidal solutions to their problems?


The answer is, you show them where they are wrong. And who is in the best position to do this? Other Muslims. It is the responsibility of good Muslims around the world to loudly attack the line of thinking that results in murder.

John Bizarre

Valley Village


Isn’t it finally clear that 90% of the world’s problems are caused by religious beliefs?

John Henderson

Woodland Hills
