
America Awakens to Prayer and Patriotism

I am an 80-year-old veteran of 31/2 years in the Army during World War II and am really upset by one thing in our reaction to our recent tragedy. Ever since the terrorist attacks it has been appropriate to sing our national anthem on the radio or TV--yet “America, the Beautiful” or “God Bless America” have been substituted. I hope this is not a case of the religious right trying to use this recent tragedy to promote their agenda of getting God into the national anthem. Our national anthem is “The Star Spangled Banner.”

When you try to bring God into this fight there is one thing that you must remember: These terrorists believed that God was on their side and, further, that they were doing God’s work. Their belief was so strong that they were willing to give their lives for it. Let us not make the same mistake.

Robert J. Gardner

Sierra Madre


Since the mass murders of Sept. 11 I have seen good things happening that I never thought I’d see in America. I have seen the American flag flown and displayed so proudly and so often; I have seen Americans unite and stand proud; I have seen so many people asking God to bless America; I have heard many hymns and patriotic songs sung or Bible verses read on national television; and finally, it has been a long time since we’ve had a president call the country to prayer and lead by example.


It is sad, however, that it took such a great tragedy for these things to happen.

Thomas Collier

West Covina
