
Contrasting Responses to Violence in the Mideast

Re “Blast Kills 7 at University in Jerusalem,” Aug. 1: The stark contrast between the Palestinian joy at the slaughter of students at Hebrew University and the investigation of the Israeli government about the “innocent lives” lost due to errant intelligence in the targeting of a Hamas mega-murderer is amazing.

These two opposites say volumes about the moral base of today’s Islam. Reciting the mantra of the Palestinian Authority that everything terrorists do is because of “the occupation” just adds one more proof that the teachings of hate from infancy have borne bitter fruit indeed.

How can a people that so celebrates death and destruction ever be a part of the family of nations? Is there no person brave enough to stand up and say that the God we both accept must be weeping at the glaring lack of compassion evident in the followers of Allah?


Sherri Lipman



As a kid growing up in a world gone mad with the attempted and largely successful extermination of the Jews, and the mass dispossession of the Palestinians, I heard “Jewish state, Jewish state, Jewish state.” It was the drumbeat of my childhood. Now I have an idea. Let the Palestinians have a state, just as the Israelis do. Maybe that will stop the violence.

Stephen May

Los Angeles


Five innocent Americans are ruthlessly murdered for choosing to have lunch while attending college.

The Palestinians accuse Israel of a “cycle of violence” and try to equate this act with the killing of a coldblooded war criminal. This after Israel has extended the hand of peace numerous times in Oslo, Camp David, etc.


Meanwhile, the perpetrators are not prosecuted or pursued by the Palestinian Authority, neighboring Arab states offer no condemnation, and Palestinians celebrate the murder of these Americans in the streets of Gaza.

With whom are the Israelis supposed to make peace?

Barry Weiss

North Hollywood


Yossi Klein Halevi (Commentary, Aug. 1) claims there would be no Palestinian refugee problem if only the Palestinians had “not rejected the U.N. partition in 1947.”

There would also be no Palestinian refugee problem had the U.N. not given away someone else’s land to foreign refugees (Europe’s Jews) against the unanimous wishes of the indigenous Arab population.


The 1947 partition was against the principles of self-determination and a colossal historic mistake for which the United States has paid dearly over the decades, culminating in the 9/11 attacks.

The U.S. will never be able to broker peace in the Middle East because the Arabs fear that we will not be fair and the Israelis fear that we will.

Matt Richards

Los Angeles
