
Los Angeles Times Children’s Bestsellers


Rankings are based on a Times poll of Southland bookstores.

*--* 1 OLIVIA’S OPPOSITES by Ian Falconer (Atheneum: $6.99) The lovable piglet teaches of opposites. Baby to preschool 2 LEMONY SNICKET: THE UNAUTHORIZED AUTOBIOGRAPHY (HarperCollins: $11.99) A kooky glimpse of the writer behind the tales of the Baudelaire children. Ages 12 and up 3 OLIVIA COUNTS by Ian Falconer (Atheneum: $6.99) The mischievous piglet uses tasks to teach numbers from 1 to 10. Baby to preschool 4 HARRY POTTER AND THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS by J.K. Rowling (Scholastic: $6.99) Harry risks his life to solve a mystery at the Hogwarts School. Ages 9-12 5 AMERICA: A PATRIOTIC PRIMER by Lynne Cheney, illustrated by Robin Preiss Glasser (Simon & Schuster: $16.95) A celebration of the United States. All ages 6 THE BAD BEGINNING by Lemony Snicket (HarperTrophy: $10.99) The orphaned Baudelaire children go to live with a creepy relative. . Ages 9-12 7 STARGIRL by Jerry Spinelli (Alfred A. Knopf: $8.95) An Arizona high school doesn’t quite know what to make of a nonconformist 10th-grader. Ages 10-14 8 IF YOU TAKE A MOUSE TO SCHOOL by Laura Numeroff, illustrated by Felicia Bond (Laura Geringer: $15.99) The classroom is a place of wonder for this rodent. Ages 4-8 9 THE FROGS WORE RED SUSPENDERS by Jack Prelutsky, illustrated by Petra Mathers (Greenwillow: $16.95) Nonsensical verses on geography. Ages 2-6 10 A STORY FOR BEAR by Dennis Haseley, illustrated by Jim Lamarche (Silver Whistle: $16) A young bear finds the magic of the written word. Ages 4-8

