
Bravo to Boxer for Blocking Tollway Plan

Re “Tollway Plan Hits a Bump,” Nov. 14:

A big thank-you to U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer. Recognizing the value of the last areas of open space in Southern California, the importance of preserving endangered species’ habitats, and the potential effects of a toll road on water and air quality, Boxer said no to this special-favor legislation. Bravo to Boxer!

She and colleague Dianne Feinstein value the quality of life of their constituents -- unlike many politicians who allow special interests and big business to drive decision making. With support withheld by our senators and the concerns of a Marine commandant about the proposed toll road interfering with military security, I am heartened that elected officials and the military are finally seeing through the toll road agencies’ stealth tactics.

Julia Dewees

San Clemente
