
A vacation that meant more

Susan Spano’s “Her World” article about marking a milestone in her life (“Divorce Trip Can Be the First Journey Toward a New Attitude,” Nov. 17) really hit home.

My father, 89, died suddenly two weeks before a Panama Canal cruise he was to take with Mom, her sister and her niece. The cruise was Dad’s dream, so I struggled about whether to go. My practical side won out.

It was a bittersweet journey. The sense of my father’s presence was strong, especially because of our mutual interest in the history and construction of this engineering marvel.


Taking a trip after any change offers a wonderful opportunity to create special memories of a unique time in one’s life. Months later Mom said the trip had been very peaceful and healing for her, and we agreed that we’d made the right decision.

Angi Ma Wong

Rancho Palos Verdes
