
S. Korea’s Canine Cuisine

Regarding the Jan. 7 article about Koreans’ use of dogs as a food source (“Culinary Flap Dogs S. Korea”): As an ethical vegetarian myself, I am opposed to the cruel use of all animals for food, but what is most appalling about using dogs for meat is the persistent belief that the adrenaline brought by the torturing of the animal before its death enhances the potency, nutrition or flavor of the meat and that this imagined benefit therefore justifies the barbaric cruelty.

Men and their stupid potency problems have caused the senseless slaughter of millions and millions of animals throughout time. I thought--and hoped like heck!--Viagra would finally put an end to it, but somehow the bright, shining light of reason and science seems unable to conquer these nutty human superstitions.

Will someone please wake me up when we at last enter the 21st century and, in the meantime, to which animal rights group do I send my check?


Jennifer Horsman

Laguna Beach


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals once again rears its empty head. People deserve rights and respect, not animals. It is wrong for this animal rights organization to disrespect other cultures by goading them into changing their lifestyles to fit into its own twisted idea of morality. Livestock is livestock, be it chicken, cow, goat or dog. Unless a species is facing extinction, there is nothing immoral about eating it.

That said, America’s own cuisine could benefit from more variety. While many Americans may cringe at the thought of eating something other than a dry old chicken breast, I’m sure a few (myself included) would be delighted to have the opportunity to try something out of the ordinary. Braised parrot, mice glazed with honey or dog a l’orange anyone?

Greg Stanton

Los Angeles


You can be forgiven the account of the disturbed boy in Florida who crashed an airplane into a high-rise building (“Boy Who Crashed Plane Carried Note of Sympathy for Bin Laden”) and, possibly, even the picture of an orphan girl in Afghanistan “disciplining” another with what appears to be a stout stick (“Poor Afghan Parents Give Children Up as Orphans”).


But the stomach-churning story about South Korean gourmets eating dogs? Couldn’t your editors have been considerate enough to relegate the dog-meat story to an inside page or leave it to the supermarket tabloids?

Lee Kent

North Hollywood
