
The Sopranos Take What They Can Get

I’m not sure what is more disgusting, the creators, actors and industry that feeds off shows like “The Sopranos” or the sheep who watch these shows (“ ‘Sopranos’ Staying Hip Amid Hype,” Sept. 15). Imagine these scenarios: The intimate lives of Nazis in thousand-dollar suits with the soundtrack of “Ode to Joy” in the background. How about a Crips gang member agonizing over having to whack a Blood who was a childhood pal while Barry White croons in the background? How about an Irish or Cuban family that controls the criminal enterprises along with the unions of an American city and will break the arms of immigrants who refuse to pay them a weekly service fee, which is exactly how the Mafia became entrenched in America? This show makes you wonder if maybe the radicals who hate American culture don’t perhaps have some kind of a point.

Chuck Heinold

West Hills
