
Immigrants’ Right to Fluency in English

Re “Bilingual Issue Drives Recall Battle,” Sept. 15: Three cheers to Francisco Gonzalez for his brave fight to have his children learn English in the public schools. It seems that the real racists and “anti-immigrants” are people like Santa Ana Unified School District Trustee Nativo Lopez who are depriving Latino children of their right to become fluent in English. Lopez’s statement that the recall group espouses “nativism ... based on racism and negativism” by implying that “English is superior to Spanish” is dangerously divisive and irresponsible.

Just as Spanish is the unifying language of Mexico and Central America and is necessary for success in those regions, so English is the language of the U.S.

Depriving immigrant children of their right to become fluent in English dooms them to a life of failure and second-class status.


Exactly what rights and services is Hermandad Mexicana Nacional lobbying for if not the right of immigrants to succeed in achieving the American dream? Why else would immigrants have come to this country?

Planaria Price

Los Angeles
