
Back to Downtown

Over the long run, the issue of melding Grand Avenue and the summit of Bunker Hill with the historic core of downtown ought to pale in comparison with planning and development in the South Park district (“A Core Dilemma,” by Nicolai Ouroussoff, Aug. 18).

The latter area, “the floor of downtown,” might be considered a blank canvas that could be far more imaginatively utilized toward ameliorating schisms and truly bringing this region together.

The Hollywood sign just doesn’t do it, folks. And Walt Disney Concert Hall cannot truly represent our polyglot reality despite its undeniable grandeur. We need a newer symbol, a very singular act of civic aspiration, somewhere along Hope Street.





I, for one, like downtown Los Angeles. There are many interesting sights, theaters, museums, restaurants, etc. If Pamela Wells had gotten out of her office, she would have found stores to purchase the items she mentioned (Letters, Sept. 15).

Homeless and other destitute people are in plenty of places west of downtown L.A. Drive Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills and you will probably see a few pushing their shopping carts. Two weeks ago, I was approached by a homeless person one block off Sunset Boulevard in the heart of Pacific Palisades. Santa Monica is crawling with homeless people. Walking the Third Street Promenade, you can’t avoid the smell of urine. Venice is hardly safe at night.

Get a life, Ms. Wells. You and your snobbish Westside friends should get out of your locked homes and enjoy life--travel the world, with caution, as I have, and see the sights and meet the people.



