
A strengthener that is easy to shoulder

This exercise is good for anyone who wants to strengthen their shoulders without creating extra tension in the neck and shoulders. Practice this move from a seated position, which is safer and easier on your back.

1 Sit upright on a stability ball, a sturdy chair or bench. Place your feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Holding 5-pound dumbbells in each hand, let your arms hang beside your hips, palms facing backward.

2 On an exhale, raise your arms to shoulder level, slowly rotating your arms until the palms of your hands face each other. Pause at the top of the lift, making sure your dumbbells are at the same level. Slowly lower your arms to the starting position. Remember to keep your shoulders directly over your hips. Do 8 to 12 repetitions, rest for 20 seconds, then do three more sets.


-- Karen Voight; Karen Voight can be reached at [email protected].
