
Buzz clubs

Gavin stays in front of the pack

Matthew Gavin’s playing hardball. The force behind the hot dance club crew, Hardball Productions, Gavin got into the game a mere year ago, but he’s already ahead of the curve. “Skin” -- the Thursday dance club he co-hosts at Garden of Eden -- celebrated its first anniversary last week and we hear the party was poppin’. Gavin, who also promotes Saturdays at the Highlands nightclub, is throwing a blowout bash called Absolut Decadence, at A.D. Friday night. Along with such smooth DJs as Sweet P and Reflex, he’s bringing in “Who’s Your Daddy?” -- a live DJ crew featuring a drummer and a sax player. And be on the lookout for men on stilts and barely clad showgirls.

Forbidden’s fruit

Speaking of decadence, we hear Forbidden City is getting ready to open Aug. 1. The new joint across from the Palace in Hollywood is hoping to do for Chinese cuisine what White Lotus is doing for Japanese: Make it ultra hip in a nightclub setting. Steve Dimon, the popular promoter behind Saturdays at Joya, is planning to host Fridays at Forbidden City.... And here’s something that should be verboten: Guys on the scene wearing an earbud, while the phone wire dangles down their shirt. Yeah, that’s a great way to meet chicks. We watched some cat at the Sunday Service stroll around the entire afternoon, trying to mack with his headset on. Lotsa luck.... Run, don’t walk, to the Zero One Gallery in downtown for Friday’s opening of “Los Angeles for the Emotionally Blind,” an art exhibit featuring 100 works from Viper Room impresario Sal Jenco. Not only will you get to catch a glimpse of the deranged world that Jenco lives in, proceeds will help benefit a local blind youth organization.... In more Viper news, don’t miss the Dickies at Monday’s Camaro night.

-- Heidi Siegmund Cuda
