
Political Fallout on Nuclear Weapons and Iraqi Facility

Neoconservative extremist and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld loves the idea of “low-yield” nukes that could be used to destroy deeply buried weapons of mass destruction (“U.S. Risks New Arms Race, Democrats Warn,” May 21). I wonder if the same sources of intelligence that were used to locate and destroy Saddam Hussein would be used to find and target hidden weapons.

Stephen Pitt

Moreno Valley


Re “U.N. Experts to Inspect Nuclear Site in Iraq,” May 21:

Once again, United Nations inspectors find themselves at odds with the powers that be in Iraq over access to suspected weapons manufacturing facilities. This time around, however, those powers reside in our very own White House, which has granted access to the Tuwaitha research center, the only location where inspectors will be allowed for now. How’s that for irony?

Steven A. Wells



Who in the Pentagon, or in the White House, or in the loony bin is responsible for the fact that the United States left the Tuwaitha nuclear facility in Iraq unsecured for nearly two weeks after the fall of Baghdad? And why isn’t that person’s head rolling? Perhaps it’s because the story has received minimal press coverage. Yes, it sounds outrageous, but should the next terrorist attack involve a dirty bomb it will be courtesy of the Bush administration, not Hussein.


Philip Wagner

Los Angeles
