
Saving water, coming clean and ‘shizzolating’

The site:

The fires that ravaged Southern California and the rains that followed are a reminder of water’s importance in this part of the country. Log on to learn more about how to conserve this liquid gold. Indoor and outdoor household water-saving tips, landscaping with native plants and outdoor watering schedules are just a few of the features on this site, hosted by a collective of area water agencies. It might inspire you to fix that dripping water faucet -- which, according to the site, can waste as much as 140 gallons each month.


The site:

According to this site, to confess is “to disclose sins or faults or the state of the conscience.” Whether it’s a woman stealing lipstick from a drugstore or someone borrowing money without ever intending to pay it back, GroupHug shows there are plenty of sinners out there. More than 12,000 users have e-mailed this confidential and anonymous online confessional to post incidents of thievery, lying, infidelity, sabotage and other misdeeds. Need to get something off your chest?


The site:

If Peter Jennings were replaced with rapper Snoop Dogg, the result might sound like this site. Type a URL into its “shizzolator,” and a speech filter will swap out some of the words with their rap interpretations. Ask Snoop automatically defaults to, which, once shizzolated, ran this teaser for Sleepless in America”: “Tune in fo’ da latest on what science says ‘bout sleep ‘n how that shiznit can improve yo’ health.” The site takes some time to work its magic, but patience is rewarded.


-- Susan Carpenter
