
Religious Monument Removed From Public Space in Courthouse

Re “A Monument Goes, but Not the Controversy,” Aug. 28: The arrogance of the Americans United for Separation of Church and State, the Southern Poverty Law Center and their ilk is exceeded only by their viciousness. With their victory in Alabama, the anti-Christian forces in America have become even more emboldened with their nefarious strategy of removing all religion from public life.

The Constitution states that citizens of America have freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. “It will satisfy us if that room is out of public view, locked and not available on demand” to members of the public, SPLC general counsel Richard Cohen gleefully and piously pontificated after the victory in removing the Ten Commandments from public view. What hubris. The people locked out of a public room in a public building?

If these anti-Christian bigots can forbid citizens from viewing the Ten Commandments in a public building by placing the tablets in a locked back room and forbidding access, can a padlock on the front door of your community church be far behind?


Joseph A. Lea

Mission Viejo


Are people’s beliefs so frail that the outcome of legal matters sends them into a religious tailspin? Enduring faith is not based on outer circumstances or judicial interpretations but on an inner strength and knowing -- that’s why it’s called faith.

Ted Neff

Mar Vista


I suggest we ship the cross from St. Luke’s Medical Center in Pasadena (Aug. 29) to those poor Christians in Alabama who can’t seem to find an appropriate place to pray.

E. Lynn Malchow



Chief Justice Roy Moore is right and the Alabama Supreme Court is wrong. All judges who have declared war on our religious freedoms are in violation of the Constitution. These ideologically bankrupt demagogues in black robes are overturning the will of the people and America’s Judeo-Christian heritage. The Bill of Rights is not about what the people cannot do. It is about what government cannot do. Our founding fathers intended that we have freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.


Lona White



The sentiment expressed by Jim Hostetter in his Aug. 26 letter -- that the 86% in this country who believe in God should tell the other 14% to “just shut up” -- is precisely why church and state must be separated. What if the 88% of us who are not African American told the 12% who are the same thing? (Oh, yeah, we used to, didn’t we?) One of the unique aspects of our government is the protection of the minority from the tyranny of the majority. Hostetter demonstrated why that is so vital.

Ron Samuels

Studio City
