
Marching for the Right to Abortion

Re “Abortion Rights Marchers Decry Global Setbacks,” April 26: To all the women and men who marched for women’s rights in Washington, a heartfelt thanks for your time and energy from me and for my daughter. I should have been there.

Brenda McCroskey

Newport Beach

What sad times we live in. An estimated 500,000 or more people show up in the nation’s capital to support killing babies. Is there no shame?

Terry Hernstrom


As soon as the right-to-life folks agree to adopt and rear the many unwanted and abandoned children who will be born no matter what, then maybe we can consider doing away with Roe vs. Wade. Until then, we’d better leave it up to the women whom it affects.


Clifton E. Barnett

Los Angeles

A man and a woman create a baby together. A man and a woman are responsible together for raising this child for 18 years (being jailed if they fail to pay child support). Why are abortion rights always couched in terms of the woman’s right to choose when surely it’s both parents’ right?

Greg Andresen

Santa Monica
