
Quadruple Negatives

The automated photo booth is still a rite of passage at amusement parks and arcades. There’s something liberating about pulling the curtain closed and revealing one’s true self for just a moment, and you have a souvenir to show for it. Summer-like weather in January brought large crowds to the Santa Monica Pier for an afternoon of fun in the sun. We asked some posers why every picture tells a story.


Tonya Graziano

25, California Employment Development Department Employee


Bryan Marcell,

31, Anesthesia Nurse, New Orleans

Why are you here today?

Tonya: I don’t get much of the beach in Bakersfield.

Bryan: It’s our last day together before I go back home.

What will you remember when you see these photos?

Tonya: That I never look good in pictures.

Bryan: The pier and the weather.

How does this compare to your driver’s license photo?

Bryan: I have two. I’m in school in Florida but I live in Louisiana. I look like a criminal in one and a drunk in the other.

If you could pose in a photo booth with anyone, who would it be?

Tonya: The pope. Unlike in a confessional, you’d see him face to face.

Bryan: The national champion LSU Tigers football team. It would have to be a big photo booth.



Kimberly Libson,

35, Secretary, North Hills

With children Addison, 8, and Braydon, 3

Why are you here today?

It’s beautiful out and we haven’t done this in a long time. It’s a nice family day.

Why do people act like idiots in photo booths?

No one’s looking and you can be goofy. You get to be yourself.

Is this the real you or a fantasy you?

That’s how I am in real life. Sticking my tongue out.

What picture of you would frighten small children?

My driver’s license picture.

If you could pose in a photo booth with anyone, who would it be?

Sean Connery. The older he gets, the better looking he gets.


Kimberly Woolery

30, Mother, Simi Valley

With daughter Courtney, 10

Why do people act like idiots in photo booths?

I think it’s just something you have to do. But you always have to have that one good shot that’s OK.

Is this the real you or the fantasy you?

The fantasy me would not be good for a photo booth with my daughter.

Favorite photo of yourself?

My wedding picture. You have a glow. It’s a for-real smile, not a posing type of smile.

What picture of you would scare small children?

Kimberly: A Halloween picture when I dressed up like Elvira. My hair was all black and it was all up and out.

Courtney: She was scary.


Crystal Zuniga

21, Student, Santa Barbara City College

Douglas Estrada

29, Student, Santa Barbara City College

What will you remember when you look at these photos?

Douglas: No comment.

Favorite photo of yourself?

Crystal: I was around 2. My brother is holding a dog, and I’m kind

of turning sideways because I’m afraid of it.

Douglas: When I was a little boy. I was cute when I was a kid. I changed a lot.

If you could pose in a photo booth with anyone, who would it be?

Crystal: Keanu Reeves. He’s hot.

Douglas: Jennifer Lopez. She’s pretty. She’s famous. There’s a lot to say. Where do you stop?


Have you ever kissed in a photo booth?

Crystal: Here. I was comfortable.

Douglas: This is the first time. I didn’t want to get out.
